An Employer Branding Video – also known as a Recruiting Video or HR Video – is your opportunity to position yourself as an attractive employer in the job market and recruit the best talent. Ideally, recruiting videos provide compelling incentives for potential candidates to apply to your company. In the long term, an Employer Branding Video is a step toward developing an employer brand. The stronger your employer brand, the easier it is to attract and retain qualified and talented employees. 

Being a strong employer brand means that you are perceived as a top-notch employer with attractive working conditions, you attract qualified applicants, and you have high employee retention due to the high satisfaction of your staff. Often, a strong employer brand is accompanied by a positive corporate culture characterized by openness, trust, collaboration, and innovation.

Applicants are more likely to choose a company that is known as an attractive employer. A strong employer brand can thus help reduce the costs of recruiting new employees, as candidates are more likely to respond to job openings on their own or apply proactively. This reduces the need for expensive recruitment methods and is a competitive advantage for your company.

Employer Branding - key aspects at a glance

As part of Employer Branding, a Recruiting Video offers you the opportunity to convincingly present yourself as an employer and provide incentives for applying to your company. Especially on online job portals and social media channels, recruiting videos gain a lot of attention – bringing you into the focus of numerous potential applicants.

The possibilities for implementing your Employer Branding Video are diverse: from following employees during their varied tasks, to interviews with HR managers, to animated videos. Of course, the implementation can also take an unconventional approach.

We will work with you to develop a branding concept that perfectly fits your company.

1. Components of an impressive employer branding video

  • Authenticity. Show who you truly are as a company. Avoid exaggerated portrayals or unrealistic promises. Potential applicants will appreciate authenticity and are more likely to identify with your company. Most importantly, this approach will attract individuals who align with your company and values, thus reducing the number of “misfit” applications.
  • Company culture. Highlight your company’s culture and values. Show what makes your company unique and what values define it. This can be done through personal stories from employees or through visual insights into the work environment.
  • Carrer opportunities. Highlight the career opportunities and development prospects your company offers, which are valuable assets. Show various career paths that employees can take within your company and emphasize the opportunities for training and professional development. This makes it clear that you have a long-term interest in your employees’ development.
  • Daily work life. Provide insights into the work environment and practices in your company. Show what it’s like to work for you by presenting scenes from the office, team meetings, or even shared activities or special events.
  • Employee perspectives. Let employees speak and share their experiences and successes within the company. Personal stories are a powerful way to convince potential applicants and ignite their desire to become part of your company.
  • Innovation and success. Emphasize your company’s achievements and innovations. Explain the contribution your company makes to innovation and progress. This can motivate potential applicants to join your team.
  • Call-to-Action. At the end of the video, include a clear call-to-action that motivates viewers to take a specific action: whether it’s to gather more information about career opportunities at your company or to apply directly.
  • Visual Appeal. A good employer branding video should be visually appealing; high-quality production, engaging visuals, and professional editing are essential to make you appear credible; at the same time, this shows that you value your personnel.

1.1. Authentic self-presentation

As mentioned earlier, it is essential in employer branding to present oneself authentically. We ensure that your employer branding proposition – that is, your value proposition to potential candidates – is communicated with strong visuals, yet in line with your corporate identity. To do this, you can address the following questions in advance:

What does our work culture look like?
Which values define the core of our company?
What characterizes the work atmosphere?
And what do our employees gain from it ?

If your employer branding proposition is conveyed authentically and engagingly, you convince viewers of the uniqueness of your company. In many cases, the involvement of your employees as brand ambassadors in the story is appropriate. After all, each member of your team is an expert on what it’s really like to work for your company. When an employee talks about daily work life or what it means to work for your company, it conveys an honest image of the company and often evokes more emotion than explanations from the HR manager or a member of the management team.

Tips for authentic self-presentation

Authentic portrayals can also include small mistakes or imperfections. This conveys a sense of humanity and authenticity, making the company more tangible and likable for candidates. Have the courage to show challenges and difficulties associated with the workplace. This gives the impression of honesty and transparency.

TIP: For an authentic corporate image, it’s not enough to list the values and culture of your company – show concrete examples of how these values are lived in everyday work life and the impact they have on your employees. Also, demonstrate that the leadership in your company is open to feedback, improvement, and development by addressing the needs and opinions of employees.

1.2. Communicate with strong visuals

To create strong images in employer branding that convincingly convey the authenticity and attractiveness of the company as an employer, several important points should be considered:

    • Show the work environment. Office views, team meetings, collaboration on projects, or informal interactions between employees can depict realistic and authentic work situations.
    • Employees in action. Images of employees in their daily work convey a sense of engagement and productivity within the company.
    • Employee portraits. Use portraits of employees to showcase the diversity and individuality of your team. Additionally, portraits can help establish a personal connection with the employees.

      TIP: Ensure that these appear natural to avoid unintentional humor.

  • Culture and events. Impressions of company events, team-building activities, or employee celebrations demonstrate a positive corporate culture and that your company promotes engagement and collaboration among its workforce.
  • Behind the scenes insights. Provide potential applicants with a glimpse behind the scenes of your company. This can include images of meeting rooms, the cafeteria, recreational facilities, or other areas of the company that complement the work environment.
  • Success Stories. Share the success stories of employees or teams, such as successfully completed projects or employees who have received special awards or recognition.

By employing these strategies, you can create strong images within your employer branding video that highlight the attractiveness of the company as an employer and appeal to potential applicants.

2. Benefits on an employer branding video

Finding suitable employees is one of the biggest challenges for companies. To attract the right people, you need to successfully communicate your company’s mission, culture, benefits, and growth opportunities.

Studies show that employers receive over a third more applications when they include video content in job postings. However, not all video content is equal – the quality of your video is important.

TIP: Not every viewer may be a good fit for your company – but they could still be future customers or stakeholders. Therefore, a good employer branding video should leave a lasting positive impression on all viewers.

A well-made employer branding video:

2.1. Save time and costs in the recruiting process

With a well-crafted employer branding video that is perfectly tailored to the needs of the target audience, you attract qualified applicants who are better suited to your company culture – this ensures a more efficient candidate search and selection process. Additionally, a successful employer branding initiative organically attracts candidates and reduces the need for costly recruitment measures such as advertisements or headhunters.

At the same time, an authentic recruiting video promotes employee retention and reduces turnover rates; this saves time and costs in the search and onboarding of new employees. You become attractive to top talent who align with your company’s values and goals, shortening the onboarding process and increasing productivity due to the positive reputation you’ve built.

2.2. Reach your target audience on an emotional level with employer branding videos

Overall, the more precisely the target audience is addressed, the more applications you will receive that perfectly match the advertised job profile. Your employer branding video should inspire enthusiasm for your company, leave a lasting positive impression on viewers, and motivate them to apply directly for the advertised positions.

With a well-crafted employer branding video, you can reach viewers on an emotional level and establish an emotional connection with your employer brand, motivating them to take the desired action. Video is the perfect strategic tool for this because emotions are conveyed on various levels:

  • Storytelling: Use stories to evoke emotions and establish a connection with viewers. Particularly, authentic success stories from employees can evoke strong emotional reactions. However, avoid exaggerated representations. Focus on positive emotions such as joy, excitement, pride, and belonging, creating positive associations with your company and brand.
  • Visual elements: Showcase authentic visuals that provide a real insight into your company. Use colors, images, and symbols that align with and support your values – this way, you appeal to viewers on a deeper level.
  • Music: A fitting background music supports and enhances the mood of the video. Choosing specific music can help strengthen the identity of a company or brand. A distinctive melody or a well-known song can be associated with the company and support the brand image.
reach your applicants on an emotional level

TIP: When choosing music, consider your company culture: For example, epic music may not suit a young, dynamic company.

When planning your video, we ensure that these components are harmoniously integrated and perfectly aligned with your corporate identity.

2.3. Maximize the success of your employer branding campagne

A significant advantage of videos over traditional employer branding strategies is the ability to directly measure the success of the video. Even the performance of individual elements of the video can be broken down: Which parts are most engaging? When do viewers lose interest? Or was your video watched until the end? With our experience in employer branding, we know exactly when to communicate which messages and how to maintain the attention of viewers until the end.

The possibilities for using an employer branding video are numerous. The most obvious application is for job postings. This includes listings on external job portals as well as advertisements on your website. Place the video prominently as part of your job posting. Also, pay attention to an appealing thumbnail. We are happy to assist you with this.

TIP: Shorter cuts of your video, which we can provide quickly and easily, are particularly suitable for the various social media channels of your company. Also, note that almost every social media platform specifies a specific video format. Additionally, videos on Facebook and Instagram are often watched without sound on smartphones, so it is important to burn subtitles into the videos. Another option is to market the video clip as a social media ad to specifically target audiences actively seeking similar jobs. Additional use cases can be found on professional networks like LinkedIn or Xing or on employer review platforms.

Use your employer branding video at recruiting events, job fairs, or career expos to attract attention and generate interest in a career at your company. You can also include your recruiting video in recruiting emails to potential candidates or in your company’s alumni networks to inform about career opportunities and encourage speculative applications.

3. We take care of the production of your employer branding video from A to Z

As a full-service video agency, we manage your video project from conception through organization and production, all the way to post-production. Every aspect of your production is handled by experienced professionals using high-quality equipment.

When producing an employer branding video, we start by defining a video strategy. This begins with an intensive conversation with you, aiming to understand your company culture, the values you represent, and the type of candidates you want to attract. Additionally, we will explore potential approaches for emotional storytelling. Some questions we might ask include: Is there an untold story that has shaped your company and affects your current employees? An employer branding video is the perfect opportunity to captivate potential candidates with exciting stories and thus generate enthusiasm for your company.

Based on this information, we will develop an innovative concept in consultation with you that is perfectly tailored to your company and fascinates and sustainably convinces your target audience.

Learn more about the exact process of your video project.

Do you have more questions about your employer branding video? Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions – or you can contact us personally.
We look forward to working with you!

An employer branding video isn’t what you’re looking for? – Back to the overview.

Sehr gute Zusammenarbeit, sympathisches Team, unkompliziert und offen auch für kritische Anmerkungen. Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis mehr als zufrieden.



Touché hat unsere Veranstaltung top begleitet und wir sind mit den produzierten Videos super zufrieden. Kann man nur weiterempfehlen!


Amazing Team, they answered our needs perfectly and the result was simply fantastic! I surely recommend to work with them.


Very professional, incredibly helpful, really pleasant to work with, they helped us with last minute changes.


Anspruchsvoll, reibungslos, flexibel und professionell. Die Ergebnisse sind immer auf höchstem Niveau.


Super professionell, kreativ und flexibel. Stets mit dem Anspruch, das Beste aus dem Dreh rauszuholen. Top!


Sehr kompetent, kreativ und zuverlässig. Vom ersten Kontakt bis zur Abnahme des Videos hat alles reibungslos gepasst. Wir können Touché auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.


Unser Video ist super geworden und ich danke dem Team von Touché für die tolle Arbeit. Wir planen bereits, was wir künftig noch für schöne Videos gemeinsam machen können. Jetzt sind wir auf den Geschmack gekommen. Ich freue mich auf künftige Zusammenarbeiten.


Das Touché-Team hat uns ein fabelhaftes Kinder-Camp-Promovideo gezaubert. Super Aufnahmen, schöne Eindrücke unserer Camps, super flink gearbeitet und eine sehr nette und gute Zusammenarbeit! Wir freuen uns schon auf das nächste Videoprojekt. Herzlichen Dank!


In der Gestaltung des Films ist es dem Team von Touché gelungen unsere Arbeit präzise, berührend und aufschlussreich darzustellen. Der Umgang mit den Teilnehmer:innen, die Kommunikation, der Ablauf - alles war stets an unsere Bedürfnisse angepasst, respektvoll und professionell. Vielen Dank dafür!





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