Take your corporate communication to the next level



In the digital era, visual content is becoming increasingly important – the significance of interviews, statements, and video messages is therefore enormous. These forms of video provide an immediate and personal way to communicate the messages and values of your company and authentically represent your brand.

Interviews with executives, employees, or industry experts allow your company to showcase both expertise and personality. Viewers develop a deeper understanding of your company and its operations. Interviews also provide the opportunity to discuss current topics, analyze industry trends, or provide insights into the future of the company.

Statements are an effective way to convey clear and concise messages. Whether it’s a corporate message, a product announcement, or a response to current events – with statements, you can communicate your position clearly and establish a connection with your audience. By using statements, you can also strengthen your credibility and build trust by communicating transparently and authentically.

Interviews - key aspects at a glance

With video messages, you can communicate with your customers, employees, and other stakeholders on a personal and emotional level. CEOs, executives, or other leaders are able to connect directly with their audience despite geographical distance and convey their message. Video messages can also be used for special occasions to express gratitude or to convey invitations in a personal style.

TIP: Utilize the opportunities of interviews, statements, and video messages to strengthen your brand and reach your audience. Through proper planning, production, and distribution, these forms of videos can help improve the image and reputation of your company and build a long-term relationship with your customers and stakeholders.

We’re here to assist you with the professional implementation of your video.

1. Corporate videos as part of your corporate communication

Interviews, statements, and video messages fall under the category of “Corporate Videos”. Corporate videos, or company videos, are a collective term used to define all types of video communication for businesses. A corporate video, for example, may be created to present financial results to stakeholders or to introduce a new initiative.

Corporate videos refer to company-owned videos produced to visually represent and package both internal and external corporate communications in an engaging format. Whether it’s interviews, (CEO) statements, video messages, panel discussions, the presentation of financial figures, or internal meetings and training sessions, videos are an extremely powerful and effective tool for achieving your communication goals.

1.1. Corporate videos – closely linked to your corporate identity

Corporate videos are inseparable from your corporate identity; they underscore and reinforce it. Since videos significantly influence how your company is perceived, both the content and visual design should closely align with the values your company lives and communicates externally. This means achieving consistency in the external representation of your company, which conveys coherence and thus reliability.

    • Design and aesthetics: Consider your company’s colors and standard fonts in the visual design of your videos. When selecting graphics and visual elements, ensure they align with your company’s style and image.
    • Language and tone: The language and wording in your videos should reflect your brand’s tone while also being appropriate for your target audience. The speaker should authentically and professionally represent your company.
    • Content: The messages and stories presented in your videos should align with your company’s values and visions. Ensure they provide a consistent and compelling representation of your company that helps strengthen the trust of your target audience.

    It’s crucial for every corporate video that your brand is perceived as acting authentically.

    1.2. Authentic self-presentation

    Authenticity is a crucial factor for the success of your corporate videos. An authentic self-presentation allows you to build an honest and credible connection with your audience. Consider the following points:

    • Honesty and transparency. Communicate openly and transparently about your products, services, values, and business practices. This builds trust with the viewers and strengthens your brand image.
    • Insight into corporate culture. Provide insight into your corporate culture and the people behind your company. For example, you could introduce employees in the videos to showcase the human side of your company and establish a personal connection with the audience.
    • Personal Stories and experiences. Sharing personal stories and experiences creates an emotional connection with the audience and increases engagement with your company. For example, you can let employees or customers share their personal experiences with your company.
    • Natural language and tone. Use a friendly, approachable language that clearly and understandably conveys your messages while remaining natural and consistent with your company culture. Avoid sounding too promotional or contrived.
    • Authentic visual representation. Show real scenes from your business operations instead of relying on staged or scripted shots. This way, you provide viewers with a realistic view of your company.

    2. Benefits of a corporate video

    A corporate video is a powerful tool to support your corporate communication and present important information in a personal and engaging manner. Through visual representation, such as interviews, you can effectively convey your messages. Visual elements like facial expressions, gestures, and body language help to emphasize statements and increase the credibility of the content. Filmed interviews also provide the opportunity to explain complex topics or concepts in a clear manner, promoting audience understanding and attention.

    Corporate videos are commonly distributed on your company’s website, allowing you to introduce your company to a wide audience. Videos on a website enhance both the quantity and quality of traffic, as they encourage visitors to spend more time on the site. Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial to ensure that your website and its products or services appear on the first page of Google search results. Creating corporate videos with SEO keywords, commonly searched for by internet users, often proves to be the key to success. Corporate videos are also perfect for other content marketing initiatives such as the company blog, as they captivate readers’ attention more effectively, boost SEO, and provide real added value.

    with a well-made corporate video:

    TIP: We also produce shorter versions for your social media channels. Videos have a higher chance of being shared on social media platforms than text or image posts, leading to increased engagement rates, visibility, and reach.

    Videos in the context of employee communication can serve various purposes, from conveying values and knowledge to motivating employees. This strengthens the sense of belonging and identification of employees with your company. A popular format that is increasingly used for internal communication in companies is employee training in video form. Knowledge and effective application of learning are important success factors for employees, leading to a significant competitive advantage for your company in the long run. Learn more about training videos.

    2.1. Deepen your customer relationships with touching videos

    Nowadays, it’s no longer enough for companies to offer quality products and excellent customer service. Today’s consumers are interested in what your company stands for and what its principles are. Often, customers choose to buy from a company because they share the same values. Corporate videos are a great opportunity to reach your audience in a tailored way, increase awareness of your brand, and communicate on an emotional level, adding value to your offering.

    Videos also provide the opportunity to give your company a human face. Because nothing resonates more with people than other people. A well-crafted corporate video can help gain the trust of potential customers and motivate them to take action, such as filling out a contact form or purchasing your product. By harnessing the power of visual storytelling, you can effectively showcase your company and achieve your business goals.

    2.2. Increase the impact of your messages

    Unlike a pure advertisement, a corporate video is an informative film that targets a specific audience. This allows you to convey the desired information while simultaneously working on your company’s image. With video statements, interviews, or panel discussions, you can convey both competence and high personal credibility. Therefore, corporate videos have the potential to captivate your audience because, when professionally executed, they are engaging and dynamic means to communicate your messages and convince your business partners or potential customers of your service.

    TIP: Communicate directly with your audience. Interviews integrated into a well-designed video strategy have the potential to improve your company’s reputation, strengthen its image, mobilize sales, and successfully engage investors, partners, and customers.

    We are happy to support you in the professional implementation of your effective video strategy.

    2.3. Videos convey a personal impression

    Unlike purely text-based content, videos, due to their combination of visual and auditory elements, allow for a multifaceted and thus more emotional delivery of your content. Through moving images, music, and voiceovers, you can convey the culture of your company and your messages in a lively, engaging – and consequently, sustainable – manner. Videos are therefore the key to a long-lasting customer relationship. 

    Ideally, you should present your company in videos with human faces and emotions – this builds a more personal connection with the viewers. By providing insights into your company culture, work processes, values, and atmosphere, as well as showcasing employee activities, the work environment, or company events, you can authentically convey the uniqueness and values of your company.

    TIP: Harness the captivating power of storytelling! Videos are an effective medium for telling stories and presenting complex topics in an accessible and memorable way. Narrative structures and visual storytelling techniques convey your messages in an exciting and personal manner, leaving a lasting impression on your audience. 

    In recent years, awareness of the relevance of transparent communication has also increased within companies. Excellent corporate communication promotes the satisfaction of your employees, as they feel heard, understood, and involved. With the help of authentic videos, you can strengthen the sense of community among your employees.

    TIP: In recent years, a trend has emerged in content marketing: While the demand for individual, elaborate video productions has declined, the demand for a constant stream of regularly published video content has grown.

    We would be happy to advise you on creating a stock of unique short videos for all communication channels of your company.

    3. We take care of the production of your corporate videos from A to Z

    Good corporate videos are characterized by the use of storytelling, a clearly conveyed message, and professional production. Our passion lies in telling real, authentic human stories in video form. As part of the collaboration with Touché, you will be assigned a project manager who will act as a consultant and organizer for the entire duration of the project, ensuring continuous communication and structured collaboration. As a full-service video agency, we oversee your video project from conception to organization and implementation of the shoot, all the way to post-production.

    Here you will find more detailed information about the process of your video project.

    As a well-coordinated team, we bring our collective creative experience to every project. Our efficient production process ensures that your content is created in the highest quality. Since interviews or other types of corporate videos focus on the conveyed information, the setting is usually kept simple – thus, the implementation of your video is also possible at short notice. 

    There is also the option to film in our studio, whether against a white or colored photo background, or against the green screen, where a virtual background will be inserted in post-production. Additionally, we recommend incorporating animated graphics such as numbers or keywords that reinforce the spoken words and break down more complex messages.

    If you have further questions about your corporate video,  you can find answers to frequently asked questions here – or you can contact us directly.
    We look forward to our collaboration!

    A corporate video is not what you are looking for? – Back to overview.

    Sehr gute Zusammenarbeit, sympathisches Team, unkompliziert und offen auch für kritische Anmerkungen. Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis mehr als zufrieden.



    Touché hat unsere Veranstaltung top begleitet und wir sind mit den produzierten Videos super zufrieden. Kann man nur weiterempfehlen!


    Amazing Team, they answered our needs perfectly and the result was simply fantastic! I surely recommend to work with them.


    Very professional, incredibly helpful, really pleasant to work with, they helped us with last minute changes.


    Anspruchsvoll, reibungslos, flexibel und professionell. Die Ergebnisse sind immer auf höchstem Niveau.


    Super professionell, kreativ und flexibel. Stets mit dem Anspruch, das Beste aus dem Dreh rauszuholen. Top!


    Sehr kompetent, kreativ und zuverlässig. Vom ersten Kontakt bis zur Abnahme des Videos hat alles reibungslos gepasst. Wir können Touché auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.


    Unser Video ist super geworden und ich danke dem Team von Touché für die tolle Arbeit. Wir planen bereits, was wir künftig noch für schöne Videos gemeinsam machen können. Jetzt sind wir auf den Geschmack gekommen. Ich freue mich auf künftige Zusammenarbeiten.


    Das Touché-Team hat uns ein fabelhaftes Kinder-Camp-Promovideo gezaubert. Super Aufnahmen, schöne Eindrücke unserer Camps, super flink gearbeitet und eine sehr nette und gute Zusammenarbeit! Wir freuen uns schon auf das nächste Videoprojekt. Herzlichen Dank!


    In der Gestaltung des Films ist es dem Team von Touché gelungen unsere Arbeit präzise, berührend und aufschlussreich darzustellen. Der Umgang mit den Teilnehmer:innen, die Kommunikation, der Ablauf - alles war stets an unsere Bedürfnisse angepasst, respektvoll und professionell. Vielen Dank dafür!





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