An image video conveys the first and thus most important impression of your company – it creatively and authentically portrays your company, conveys the core messages of your brand, evokes emotions in viewers, and encourages your target audience to further engage with your offering.

For this reason, it is extremely important that your image film is produced to a high standard.

We assist you in creating a meaningful image video that presents you authentically in the best light, aligns seamlessly with your corporate identity, and stands out from the crowd.

A successful image video increases your visibility; already established companies also have the opportunity to use this method to steer their image in the desired direction.

In addition to its representative purpose, with an image film, you can provide an impression of the values and services of your company without explicitly advertising. With a professionally produced video, you remain memorable to your viewers; your company strategically positions itself and grows sustainably.

Image videos - key aspects at a glance

The length of an image film also plays an important role – viewers’ attention spans are typically short on the internet; therefore, it is essential that every moment contributes to the narrative and maintains suspense from beginning to end. Ideally, an image film is short enough to hold the viewers’ attention while also providing enough time to convey the desired information or establish an emotional connection. Specifically, for most image films, this duration ranges between 1 and 3 minutes. During this time, the key messages can be conveyed concisely without overwhelming or boring the audience.

TIP: When investing in an image film, consider producing it in at least two different lengths. While the longer version may be suitable for specific purposes such as presentations or events, shorter versions can be used for your website or social media! Precise planning, professional editing, and post-production ensure that your image video presents you in the best light regardless of its length! We are happy to provide individual advice on your image video.

1. Components of an impressive image video

The origin of the image film lies in the industrial film – however, the informative presentation of the company and its products is the focus in this case.

In an image video – as the name suggests – it’s all about your image. Therefore, its primary goal is not the transfer of knowledge but rather to evoke a certain emotion in the viewers.

For this reason, besides impressive visuals and appealing sound, captivating storytelling is also necessary. When these components harmonize, the content of an image film can be remembered even better by viewers than traditional commercials! Another advantage: Since an image video is not tied to a specific product or campaign, it can be used for many years – making the investment worthwhile in the long run.

1.1. Fascinating dramaturgy

Characteristic of the image film is the story it aims to tell. If you manage to convey your brand story with compelling storytelling, your customers will be emotionally engaged and motivated to take action – both in the B2C and B2B sectors.

For this, sophisticated storytelling is essential: It ensures that the visuals seamlessly flow together, creating a narrative arc that evokes emotions. The dramaturgy essentially acts as the backbone of the image film, connecting the various visual elements and creating a meaningful and touching story – whether through a linear plot, a metaphorical depiction, or an abstract visualization of concepts.

A well-made image video takes viewers on a journey; every detail contributes to conveying the desired mood and message.

TIP: The better I know my target audience and their expectations and desires, the more precisely I can structure my image video narratively to establish a connection with the viewers, create a possibility for identification, and thus remain memorable in their minds.

Tips for good storytelling:

1.2. Impressive images

The footage in an image film is crucial for effectively conveying the message and creating a visual narrative. It can come from various sources, such as real-life footage, stock footage, or graphic animations – each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Real-life footage provides credibility and authenticity by showcasing real people, places, and situations. As a result, they establish a strong emotional connection with the audience. This type of footage is particularly suitable for illustrating the core values of a brand or presenting products in real-life usage scenarios.

Stock footage material – pre-produced video and image clips covering various topics and scenarios – provides a cost-effective and time-saving way to obtain high-quality footage for an image film. Stock footage can be a useful addition to illustrate specific scenes or concepts when no original recordings are available or there is no opportunity for on-site filming. However, there is a risk that the material may not perfectly fit the desired content, thereby compromising the uniqueness of the film.

Graphic animations offer a creative and flexible way to depict complex concepts and abstract ideas. They allow visualizing things that are difficult or impossible to show with real footage. Animations can also give the film a unique visual style and attract the audience’s attention. However, creating animations often requires more time, resources, and expertise than using real-life footage or stock footage.

Choosing the right footage is crucial to convey the desired message and mood in the image film. Whether exclusively using one type of footage or a balanced combination of real-life footage, stock footage, and graphic animations – it’s important that it fits the content and desired emotion, creating an engaging visual narrative that captivates and inspires the audience.

2. Benefits of an image video

Even though many companies and brands are already putting image videos at the center of their digital strategies, videos of this kind are still an underestimated form of communication. The impact of videos is unabated, and their use offers various opportunities: they can help create a strong brand identity, share messages strategically, and drive lead generation – all of which an image film achieves like no other marketing tool:

  • Brand building and strengthening: An emotional and compelling presentation of your company’s values and visions in an image video provides an opportunity to define and strengthen your brand image.
  • Customer engagement: Through a well-designed image film, you can establish a deeper connection with your customers by appealing to them emotionally and creating a positive association with your brand.
  • Increase credibility and authenticity: Providing insights into your company culture enhances the credibility and authenticity of your company and strengthens the trust of your customers.
  • Differentiation from competitors: With a creative and unique image video, your company stands out from the competition by highlighting your unique selling points and value proposition.
  • Message dissemination: Distributing your image film on your company website, social media channels, trade shows, or events reaches a broad audience and increases the visibility of your company.
  • Targeting new customers and audiences: With compelling visuals and a convincing narrative, you can capture the attention of previously unreached target groups.

An image film is therefore an extremely effective marketing and communication strategy that contributes to strengthening your company, increasing customer engagement, and fostering the growth of your business.

A well-made image video:

2.1. Direct your image in the desired direction

An image video serves to communicate the image of your company to the outside world – regardless of whether you are looking to establish yourself in the market or it’s time for an image correction. The video focuses on conveying desired messages, values, and aspects of your brand or company.

Define clearly in advance which messages you want to convey and which aspects of your image should be emphasized in the video. These core messages should reflect the identity and unique selling points of the company.

Authentically portray your company culture and values. Show employees, the everyday work environment, or company events, illustrating values such as teamwork, innovation, or customer orientation.

Present success stories, impressive customer references, or case studies to strengthen your credibility and reputation. At the same time, demonstrate how your company solves problems, creates value, and meets customer needs.

Stories, music, and visuals can evoke specific emotions – so use your image film to establish an emotional connection with the audience by evoking positive emotions such as joy, compassion, or inspiration.

how to communicate your image:

TIP: Your image video should be tailored to the interests, needs, and preferences of your target audience in terms of storytelling and style. This targeted approach helps to evoke a stronger response and build a deeper connection with the audience.

Amidst all these considerations, don’t forget the most important aspect: Your image film should be part of a coherent brand communication strategy, seamlessly integrating into your corporate identity and supporting the overall image of your company. By maintaining consistent visual aesthetics, tone, and coherent messages across all communication channels, you effectively steer and reinforce your image. We are here to advise and support you in optimizing your image communication.

2.2. Stand out from the crowd with a unique image video

Uniqueness has no recipe. However, one thing is essential: Show your authenticity in your image video—because only you are you—and that is unique. All other points should serve to communicate your authenticity as convincingly and impressively as possible.

  • Authenticity and Uniqueness. Instead of relying on clichés or mainstream trends, emphasize the unique aspects and distinctive features of your company. This can be achieved through presenting real stories or personal insights that reflect the identity and culture of your business.
  • Creative Storytelling. Engaging and original storytelling captures the audience’s interest and convinces them. With unexpected twists, emotional moments, or visually stunning elements, you can leave a lasting impression.
  • High production quality. A professionally produced video with high-quality visuals and sound, along with appealing editing, stands out from amateur videos and lends credibility and prestige to your company. This also includes:
  • Innovative Visuals and Techniques. The use of innovative visual effects, animations, or unconventional camera perspectives makes your image video visually appealing and memorable, ensuring it remains in the viewers’ minds.
  • Interactivity and Engagement. An interactive video that involves the audience and encourages them to take action (the famous “call-to-action”) increases viewer engagement and differentiates it from other passive content.
  • Targeted Distribution and Promotion. With a professional and unique image video, you have the perfect foundation to communicate across various channels and increase your reach.

Before you start planning an image video, think about your uniqueness—your USP (Unique Selling Proposition). We are happy to assist you in this discovery process.

2.3. Increase your reach and lead generation

For successful digital content marketing, the use of videos is indispensable. Perfectly tailored to the needs of your target audience, an image video is the ideal tool to showcase your brand on your website, social media channels, or at (virtual) trade shows, sparking the curiosity of potential customers..

The use of videos on websites is highly effective in many ways. Place your professional video prominently on the most visited pages of your homepage – the landing page is usually the best spot for an image video. However, an image video can also be well-placed on your website’s subpages, such as the “About Us” page, to present your company’s story, values, and visions in a visually appealing and convincing way.

In general: When videos are embedded on your website and viewed by users, they automatically spend more time there. This catches the attention of the Google algorithm, which can boost your website’s ranking in search results. Videos are therefore a crucial tool for increasing organic traffic. Additionally, videos enhance the visual appeal of your website, making it look more professional and modern.

Of course, image videos are also ideal for use on social media platforms – besides your website, these are the first points of contact for potential customers searching for a company, providing you the chance to make a positive impression from the start.

In today’s world, the influence of social media can significantly impact your company’s success. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn have millions, if not billions, of active users worldwide! Distributing your image video through these channels allows you to reach a large number of potential customers and strengthen your brand image.

Another advantage of distributing your image video on social media is that it is very easy to monitor the success of your social media campaigns. Tracking metrics such as views, interactions, shares, and conversions allows you to analyze the ROI of your image video and make necessary adjustments.

Moreover, by using demographic data, interests, behaviors, and other criteria, you can ensure that your image video is presented to your desired target audience on social platforms. Social media also allows you to directly interact with your customers, fostering engagement. Likes, shares, and other forms of interaction help increase reach and brand awareness. A creative and engaging image video has the potential to go viral, reaching a broader audience than traditional marketing channels could.

An image video can be the decisive factor for your business success – we are happy to support you with professional implementation.

3. We take care of the production of your image video from A to Z

The image film is the most important “showcase” for your company. If its production is not given enough attention and an unprofessional video is produced, it can negatively impact your entire business—and can quickly cause damage, especially on social media. It is therefore of utmost importance to plan your video thoroughly in advance, as the success of your video depends on the right strategy.

This is why we begin our collaboration with a detailed discussion to understand the core of your company and your (communication) goals before incorporating them into the creative planning of the video project. Questions we might ask you include:

  • What does your company stand for?
  • What are the values and characteristics of your brand?
  • What key messages do you want to communicate?
  • Who is your target audience? What are their needs, interests, and desires?

Die Answering these and other questions helps us to clearly define the direction your image film should take both in content and style—because at the heart of our collaboration is not our artistic self-realization, but the realization of your (communication) goals.

Here you will find more detailed information about the process of your video project.

Do you have more questions about your image film? Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions – or you can contact us personally.
We look forward to working with you!

An image video is not what you are looking for? – Back to overview.

Sehr gute Zusammenarbeit, sympathisches Team, unkompliziert und offen auch für kritische Anmerkungen. Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis mehr als zufrieden.



Touché hat unsere Veranstaltung top begleitet und wir sind mit den produzierten Videos super zufrieden. Kann man nur weiterempfehlen!


Amazing Team, they answered our needs perfectly and the result was simply fantastic! I surely recommend to work with them.


Very professional, incredibly helpful, really pleasant to work with, they helped us with last minute changes.


Anspruchsvoll, reibungslos, flexibel und professionell. Die Ergebnisse sind immer auf höchstem Niveau.


Super professionell, kreativ und flexibel. Stets mit dem Anspruch, das Beste aus dem Dreh rauszuholen. Top!


Sehr kompetent, kreativ und zuverlässig. Vom ersten Kontakt bis zur Abnahme des Videos hat alles reibungslos gepasst. Wir können Touché auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.


Unser Video ist super geworden und ich danke dem Team von Touché für die tolle Arbeit. Wir planen bereits, was wir künftig noch für schöne Videos gemeinsam machen können. Jetzt sind wir auf den Geschmack gekommen. Ich freue mich auf künftige Zusammenarbeiten.


Das Touché-Team hat uns ein fabelhaftes Kinder-Camp-Promovideo gezaubert. Super Aufnahmen, schöne Eindrücke unserer Camps, super flink gearbeitet und eine sehr nette und gute Zusammenarbeit! Wir freuen uns schon auf das nächste Videoprojekt. Herzlichen Dank!


In der Gestaltung des Films ist es dem Team von Touché gelungen unsere Arbeit präzise, berührend und aufschlussreich darzustellen. Der Umgang mit den Teilnehmer:innen, die Kommunikation, der Ablauf - alles war stets an unsere Bedürfnisse angepasst, respektvoll und professionell. Vielen Dank dafür!





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