Present your products and services in the best light

Product videos are animated or real-life videos that clearly highlight the benefits of a product, explain its functionality in an understandable way, or demonstrate various use cases vividly. Depending on the specific features of the product, the target audience, or the marketing goals of your company, product videos can fulfill different requirements. Thus, when producing a product video, you have various types and styles to choose from, such as:

  • Demonstration videos. This type of video shows the product in action and demonstrates its functionality, features, and possible applications. Demonstration videos are suitable for showing potential customers how the product is used and what benefits it offers.
  • Testimonial videos. In these videos, satisfied customers talk about their experiences with the product and praise its benefits. This type of video can help strengthen the trust of potential customers and encourage them to try the product. It’s a distinct category of video.
  • How-to-videos. How-to videos provide step-by-step instructions for using or installing a product. They can help interested parties better understand the product and learn how to use it.
  • Storytelling videos. In these videos, a story is told that focuses on the product and demonstrates its use or application in a specific context. This type of video can help establish an emotional connection to the product and strengthen the brand image.
  • Explainer videos. These videos explain the functionality, features, and benefits of a product in a clear and understandable manner. They can be used to explain complex products or technologies and help potential customers better understand the product. This is a distinct category of video.
Product videos - key aspects at a glance

In any case, the classic product video is both promotional and informative at the same time. The ideal balance depends heavily on your communication goals and is therefore individual to each project. Your values and objectives also significantly determine the style of the film. Your product video can be a live-action film or a 2D or 3D animation – or a combination of both. 

TIP: Divide the product functions and benefits into smaller sections and create a series of short videos. This way, your customers can easily select the most relevant parts for them.

We are happy to advise you on the right video for your product.

1. Powerful components of a product video

At the heart of your product video is, of course, your product: Its benefits, usage, and value for customers should be clearly communicated—in a way that piques viewers’ curiosity and encourages them to make a purchase.

For this, several things are essential:

  • Address the needs and desires of your target audience. Show how your product can fulfill these needs and improve the lives of your customers.
  • Present the information in an engaging and entertaining way. Surprise the viewers.
  • Your product video should be at least as high-quality as your product—offer viewers a video in the highest image and sound quality.
  • Ensure that the product video is in line with your corporate identity.

The preceding points illustrate that in an impressive product video, engaging storytelling and stunning visuals go hand in hand.

1.1. Storytelling combines information and advertising

A product video should contain both informative and promotional elements to be effective. This means that viewers should be convinced both rationally and emotionally.

First, they should understand on an informative level why they need the product. This requires communicating basic product information such as features, characteristics, specifications, and applications. At the same time, a value or benefit created by the product should be demonstrated. What problem can the customer solve with your product? In what specific use cases or scenarios can your product make your customers’ lives easier?

At the same time, on an emotional level, your company’s brand message should be conveyed, and the values, visions, and beliefs of your brand should be highlighted. This allows for a stronger emotional connection with viewers while also strengthening your brand image. Emphasize unique features of your product or provide customer reviews or comparisons with other products — this can convince viewers that your product is indeed the best solution for their needs. At the end of your video, a clear call-to-action should encourage viewers to take a specific action — such as requesting more information, following the brand on social media, or purchasing the product. A well-placed and persuasive call-to-action can also improve the video’s conversion rate and increase the success of your marketing efforts.

Tip for an engaging storytelling

1.2. For your product only the best: high-quality images make an impression

An impressive product video should be professionally produced – with excellent video and audio quality as well as appealing aesthetics. The use of high-quality equipment and careful post-production are essential because the production quality of the video is crucial for the impression you and your product leave on (potential) customers.

  • Professionalism: High-quality video and audio convey an impression of professionalism and credibility. If your product video is well-made technically, it shows that you invest in your product and value quality.
  • Perception of product quality: The quality of a video directly influences the perceived quality of the advertised product. With a high-quality video, viewers tend to perceive the advertised product as high-quality and reliable.
  • Attention and engagement: A video with excellent video and audio quality appears more appealing and attractive. This helps generate more attention and stronger engagement from viewers.
  • Clarity and comprehensibility: Clear images and clear audio are essential for effectively conveying your message. Poor video quality or audio issues can lead viewers to tune out prematurely.
  • Shareability and spreadability: People tend to share impressive videos with others, so high-quality product videos have a higher likelihood of being shared and spread by viewers. This increases the reach and visibility of your video as well as your brand.

In addition to excellent video and audio quality, visual elements such as product views, close-ups, animations, and graphics can also contribute to presenting your product in an attractive way and illustrating its design, features, and benefits. The visuals should be appealing and informative to capture the interest of viewers and motivate them to keep watching.

We’re happy to advise you on how to best showcase your product visually!

2. Benefits of a product video

Your product video is made for the web: Use it on your website or in social media to showcase your products, brand, and company to a wide audience. Compared to text or static images, videos have a higher visual appeal and thus attract the attention of potential customers much more easily.

As an essential part of online marketing, product videos are the best tool to convince prospects of your product and encourage them to make a purchase at the right moment—because product films evoke emotions in your potential customers. Ideally entertaining, they directly address the desired target audience, explain complicated functionalities, build genuine trust with the audience, and show much more vividly than images and texts why your product is so unique.

In fact, a well-made product video can do more than just increase sales: Product videos are real power tools in marketing because they can be used on virtually any channel and have been shown to increase conversion rates. Promote your product where it is bought online.

What you can achieve with a well-made product video

Product videos can also help improve your company’s SEO ranking as they increase dwell time on your website and improve user interaction. Since search engines like Google use these two criteria as rating factors, product videos can improve your company’s visibility in search results.

Providing useful information about your product or examples of its applications gives your customers a better understanding of your product and encourages them to engage with it more deeply. This strengthens trust, increases satisfaction, and fosters long-term customer loyalty to your brand. A positive side effect: The better your customers know about your products and their features, the less likely they are to return them due to uncertainties!

Publishing your product video on various platforms and social media channels can increase your company’s reach and brand awareness, attracting new customers.

By presenting your product in an appealing and convincing way, you position yourself as a leading provider in your industry. Highlight the unique features and benefits of your product and clearly differentiate yourself from the competition.

TIP: If you want to spread your film widely, we are happy to create special edits of your product video; for example, for specific video ads in the form of pre-rolls or short teasers. This way, you can drive more traffic to your sales channels and captivate new customers.

Harness the power of film to vividly and effectively showcase your product and brand – we’re here to support you every step of the way.

2.1. Influence the purchasing decision

The internet is increasingly being accessed on mobile devices thanks to smartphones – so your product video reaches your prospects personally and directly. 

Seize the opportunity of this personal moment and capture interest and curiosity with an engaging product video. Hold your potential customer’s attention with compelling storytelling and captivating visuals, preventing them from scrolling further. Showcase a solution, provide added value, evoke emotions – and thereby positively influence the purchasing decision.

After watching the video, viewers should recognize the benefits of the featured product and be convinced that they truly need it. Ensure that a memorable call-to-action prompts the desired action afterward.

take advantage of direct contact with your customers

2.2. Create an emotional bond with your clients

With your product video, you should address both potential and existing customers. For the former, it’s about persuasion, while for the latter, it’s about building loyalty. A successful product video contributes to converting prospects into customers by presenting compelling arguments – such as demonstrating problem-solving capabilities. On the other hand, offering maintenance instructions or tips for troubleshooting can increase satisfaction among your existing customer base and reduce product return rates.

In In both cases, you need to ensure that prospects or customers feel emotionally connected. To achieve this, you must first empathize with your target audience and directly address their needs and desires. Show how your product improves or simplifies the lives of its users. Utilize the interactive nature of the internet and create a community around your product or brand, for example, by regularly showcasing how-to videos on maximizing the benefits of your product.
We can help you vividly demonstrate the features of your product, by showcasing use cases and inspiring customers to engage with your brand sustainably.

TIP: Address uncertainties before they arise and support your customers with practical advice even after purchase – this demonstrates your commitment and significantly strengthens customer loyalty.

3. We take care of the production of your product videos from A to Z

In our productions, we prioritize uncompromising full-service: We approach all components of your production with experienced professionals and high-quality equipment. Whether in our in-house studio, at your location, or at your desired venue – from conception to organization and implementation of the shoot, to post-production, we execute your video project. 

To create the best possible product video for you, it is important for us to first understand your product, your communication goals, and your target audience. After a thorough briefing, we develop our concept ideas with a fresh and experienced external perspective. We remain in constant communication with you throughout this process to ensure that we find an optimal representation for your product. Your target audience plays a crucial role in this. Core questions will initially include:
Who are your customers?
What are their needs?
How do they communicate?

The answers to these questions form the basis for the overall style and tone of your product video. Because your product video should not only convey mere information but also create an emotional connection with the viewers.

You can find more detailed information about the process of your video project here.

If you have further questions about your image film, you can find answers to frequently asked questions here – or you can contact us personally.
We look forward to our collaboration.

Not looking for a product video after all? – Back to the overview.

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Touché hat unsere Veranstaltung top begleitet und wir sind mit den produzierten Videos super zufrieden. Kann man nur weiterempfehlen!


Amazing Team, they answered our needs perfectly and the result was simply fantastic! I surely recommend to work with them.


Very professional, incredibly helpful, really pleasant to work with, they helped us with last minute changes.


Anspruchsvoll, reibungslos, flexibel und professionell. Die Ergebnisse sind immer auf höchstem Niveau.


Super professionell, kreativ und flexibel. Stets mit dem Anspruch, das Beste aus dem Dreh rauszuholen. Top!


Sehr kompetent, kreativ und zuverlässig. Vom ersten Kontakt bis zur Abnahme des Videos hat alles reibungslos gepasst. Wir können Touché auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.


Unser Video ist super geworden und ich danke dem Team von Touché für die tolle Arbeit. Wir planen bereits, was wir künftig noch für schöne Videos gemeinsam machen können. Jetzt sind wir auf den Geschmack gekommen. Ich freue mich auf künftige Zusammenarbeiten.


Das Touché-Team hat uns ein fabelhaftes Kinder-Camp-Promovideo gezaubert. Super Aufnahmen, schöne Eindrücke unserer Camps, super flink gearbeitet und eine sehr nette und gute Zusammenarbeit! Wir freuen uns schon auf das nächste Videoprojekt. Herzlichen Dank!


In der Gestaltung des Films ist es dem Team von Touché gelungen unsere Arbeit präzise, berührend und aufschlussreich darzustellen. Der Umgang mit den Teilnehmer:innen, die Kommunikation, der Ablauf - alles war stets an unsere Bedürfnisse angepasst, respektvoll und professionell. Vielen Dank dafür!





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