How can one teach most effectively? By delivering content in an unforgettable way. This means visually appealing content that engages learners to interact.

In addition to the visual presentation, packaging the course material into entertaining and captivating stories is a crucial part of successful e-learning. And what better way to tell a story than with the most powerful form of communication: videos. 

Instructional videos are one of the best tools for corporate training when they package key messages into a compelling narrative.

Whether it’s a training video, online course, or tutorial – we package your content into an engaging and interesting format.

Training videos - key aspects at a glance

1. E-learning – the modern way of learning

Multimedia learning offerings such as training videos are summarized under the term “E-Learning”. In this process, learning processes are supported and promoted through digital media. With the advancing digitization, the E-Learning industry is growing rapidly. Through audiovisual stimuli and a creative didactic approach, videos address the various types of learners, which is why E-Learning is versatile and suitable for learners of all ages.

Successful E-Learning videos are tailored to the target audience and entertaining, thus accelerating the learning process. The popularity of videos in learning is also evident on the video platform YouTube, where tutorials are among the most searched videos.

E-Learning is gaining importance not least because learners can access educational content flexibly and conveniently from any location and at any time. Due to this high flexibility, learners can create their own schedules and learn at the most convenient times for them. This makes it easier for working professionals to improve their skills and qualifications alongside their work and family life.

Thanks to digital technologies and online platforms, learning materials and resources are provided in various formats, ensuring an engaging learning experience. From interactive learning modules and videos to online courses and virtual classrooms, there are numerous ways to impart knowledge and develop skills. This diversity allows learners to choose the methods and media that best suit them to achieve their learning goals.

With our years of experience, we develop concepts for your digital learning content, training videos, content sharing, web-based collaboration, video courses, online lectures, blended learning, and much more.

1.1. Different types of digital learning

The term E-learning is strictly speaking an umbrella term for various forms of learning where digital media are utilized. For example:

Digital courses, whether internal or external, are versatile as they can be started at any time, thus providing an individual and user-friendly learning solution. Personal participation in the course or interaction with the instructor or other participants is usually not possible. Therefore, it is important to make the course experience memorable for learners by incorporating animations, motivational narration, music, and interactive applications to make learning as engaging as possible.

Webinars are seminars held online. Since they take place live, participants can ask questions in real-time, which are immediately answered by the course instructor. It is important to ensure excellent video and audio quality as well as flawless transmission. Our video crew takes care of the technical challenges of webinars, allowing you to focus solely on the content aspects of your webinar.

Blended learning, also known as hybrid learning, refers to a combination of digital distance learning and traditional, analog learning. The application of both forms is complementary – the analog and digital aspects merge together, promising optimal learning outcomes. This type of learning is adapted to modern living conditions and is therefore expected to be increasingly utilized in the future.

variants of digital learning

Video tutorials, also known as how-to videos, are another form of instructional videos – they are increasingly replacing traditional guides. As the digital form of learning is becoming more important and popular, investing in video tutorials is worthwhile for creating successful content for websites or social media channels.

1.2. In what style knowledge should be conveyed? 

By using visual elements such as graphics, animations, and video scenes, complex concepts can be presented in a understandable and engaging manner. This facilitates comprehension and retention of information, making learning more enjoyable and effective.

Animated videos have the advantage of being able to depict virtually any process. A professional narrator voices a pre-written script, with the spoken content complemented by animated illustrations. There are no limits to the presentation – with images, abstract concepts can be clarified, greatly facilitating learning.

In live-action videos, talking head videos are very popular. In these, a protagonist appears, delivering the content. It’s important for talking head videos to have a relaxed, authentic presentation style. If the content is delivered dryly or stiffly, it’s unlikely that learners will follow along. Therefore, choose an employee, trainer, or coach who visibly feels comfortable in front of the camera and who can speak fluently without difficulty. We recommend creating a script to serve as a guide during video recording, ensuring that filler words and misspeaking are avoided.

TIP: Additional graphic overlays enhance the visual presentation of talking head videos.

The use of interactive elements is crucial for any video style. This could include a brief recap of the main points or an interactive exercise, such as a quiz – encouraging learners to actively participate and reinforce their learning.

TIP: Remember to provide the option to pause, skip, or repeat content – allowing for individualized learning.

Especially for learning content with a large scope: dividing it into shorter blocks is most effective, as this makes the material easier to consume – this is known as Microlearning – learning in short units that can be easily consumed in between other activities.

2. Benefits of training videos

The production of training videos is an investment in the future of your company. In a world where developments are happening faster than ever, it’s increasingly important for companies to have well-trained employees who can keep up with this pace and stay current.

Whether your company has a large number of employees, multiple locations, or a diverse range of languages spoken – training videos offer a simple and convenient way to keep all your staff up to date on new processes, products, etc. – while ensuring consistency in the knowledge conveyed. 

As a modern and efficient form of knowledge transfer, E-learning videos are location and time-independent – which brings significant cost advantages. For example, training sessions only need to be conducted and recorded once. The video can then be viewed by a large number of learners as many times as needed. For companies that need to train team members across multiple locations – or in different time zones or shifts – the video medium offers a simple and efficient way to reach everyone in the same manner.

well-made training videos:

2.1. Reduce training costs with e-learning

Internal training through video formats saves high costs as they can be viewed by learners spatially and temporally independently. With a single training video, you can reach thousands of employees. Compared to traditional face-to-face training, costs for travel, accommodation, and meals are eliminated. This makes e-learning an attractive option for companies, educational institutions, and learners who want to minimize their expenses while still receiving high-quality education.

At the same time, training videos also offer the opportunity for easy updating and customization of learning content. Unlike printed materials, videos can be quickly updated and adapted to new requirements or developments without incurring additional costs or time for reprinting.

2.2. Knowledge is power, know-how is a competitive advantage

Expertise provides the decisive competitive advantage – because the further education of your employees ensures the ongoing development of innovations – and thus the success of your company. Investments in further education not only contribute to the individual professional development of your employees but also strengthen the organization as a whole. 

Through continuous further education, your employees are able to expand their skills, knowledge, and competencies and keep them up to date. In a constantly changing business world, it is essential that your team has current knowledge and relevant skills to meet the dynamic demands of the work environment. Through targeted further training measures, your employees can learn new technologies, working methods, and best practices that increase their performance and improve their efficiency – creating a corporate environment that promotes creativity and innovation – and this ensures the long-term success of your company.

Furthermore, the further education offering contributes to increasing employee satisfaction and retention. By investing in the development of your employees, you signal appreciation and recognition for their contribution to the company’s success. Your employees feel motivated and valued when they have the opportunity to develop professionally and fully utilize their potential. This reduces turnover rates, as employees are more inclined to stay in a company that invests in their professional development.

3. We take care of the production of your training videos from A to Z

As a full-service video agency, we oversee your video project from conception through organization and implementation of the shoot, to post-production. We ensure that your learning content reaches your target audience in high-quality and in an engaging format.

At the beginning of our collaboration, the first and most important step is to define your goals and the target audience of your video. Questions we ask you in this phase include, for example:
What should learners know after watching the video?
What skills should they acquire?
All further production steps are precisely tailored to these specifications. We are happy to advise you on the e-learning model and video style that best suits your needs. 

Here you can find more detailed information about the process of your video project.

If you have further questions about your training video, you can find answers to frequently asked questions here – or you contact us directly.
We look forward to our collaboration!

Not looking for a training video? – Back to the overview.

Sehr gute Zusammenarbeit, sympathisches Team, unkompliziert und offen auch für kritische Anmerkungen. Wir sind mit dem Ergebnis mehr als zufrieden.



Touché hat unsere Veranstaltung top begleitet und wir sind mit den produzierten Videos super zufrieden. Kann man nur weiterempfehlen!


Amazing Team, they answered our needs perfectly and the result was simply fantastic! I surely recommend to work with them.


Very professional, incredibly helpful, really pleasant to work with, they helped us with last minute changes.


Anspruchsvoll, reibungslos, flexibel und professionell. Die Ergebnisse sind immer auf höchstem Niveau.


Super professionell, kreativ und flexibel. Stets mit dem Anspruch, das Beste aus dem Dreh rauszuholen. Top!


Sehr kompetent, kreativ und zuverlässig. Vom ersten Kontakt bis zur Abnahme des Videos hat alles reibungslos gepasst. Wir können Touché auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen.


Unser Video ist super geworden und ich danke dem Team von Touché für die tolle Arbeit. Wir planen bereits, was wir künftig noch für schöne Videos gemeinsam machen können. Jetzt sind wir auf den Geschmack gekommen. Ich freue mich auf künftige Zusammenarbeiten.


Das Touché-Team hat uns ein fabelhaftes Kinder-Camp-Promovideo gezaubert. Super Aufnahmen, schöne Eindrücke unserer Camps, super flink gearbeitet und eine sehr nette und gute Zusammenarbeit! Wir freuen uns schon auf das nächste Videoprojekt. Herzlichen Dank!


In der Gestaltung des Films ist es dem Team von Touché gelungen unsere Arbeit präzise, berührend und aufschlussreich darzustellen. Der Umgang mit den Teilnehmer:innen, die Kommunikation, der Ablauf - alles war stets an unsere Bedürfnisse angepasst, respektvoll und professionell. Vielen Dank dafür!





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